
Examining the implications of the requirements of agile application lifecycle

Critically, this layer directs the deployment process, guiding the two other managers as to what cloud environment the application virtual machines will run in and how the different servers within the application should be deployed. Additionally, this layer controls the configuration of the application itself--communicating to each virtual machine the IP addresses of the other servers in the application, for example.
A less obvious implication of the need to frequently adjust application deployments between different cloud environments is the need for a management tool that can subsume the requirements to deploy to different clouds and automate the process, hiding the syntactic and semantic differences among them.
Many people question the need for a Cloud Manager when they first consider deploying applications into the cloud. As with many other types of IT automation, the need only becomes clear when the number of applications to be managed grows from a handful to tens or dozens. Complex cloud configurations can be extremely difficult to manage, and trying to juggle many of them taxes operations groups to the breaking point. Just as the need to support complex server configuration gave rise to configuration managers, so, too, will the need to support complex cloud application deployments impose the need for sophisticated cloud management capabilities.Last week I wrote, "The reality is that every IT organization is going to have an 'and strategy: Infrastructure will be a mix of private and public cloud computing. For most, that will mean some mix of private resources and Amazon Web Services." I summed up the inadequacies of the established approach to this "and" hybrid cloud requirement thusly: "The solution must be capable of taking software components and creating an appropriate image for any target environment. The common approach of creating virtual machine templates does not support this solution."
Examining the implications of the requirements of agile application lifecycle and deployment in a malleable hybrid cloud environment makes it clear that a new approach to application management is necessary. Linking resource, configuration, and cloud management will be key for enterprises going forward.Antennae, compound eyes, electroreceptors, and other sensory systems, despite their morphological and functional diversity, share in common the basic feature of neurological control. The organization of these systems enables locomotion through reaction to the environment and integration of neural pathways. Thus, movement, whether in response to tactile, auditory, or visual cues, is linked to sensory feedback.

