
How to Make a Beautiful Breast and Care of a Breast

The elastic, strong, beautiful, with soft, smooth skin ... On a chest every woman dreams of. And not without reason: beautiful breasts - Pride of all women. But what good is if you only dream of, without making any effort to put their wishes into reality! In general, any woman can make her breasts were in top form. Massage - One of the most effective methods to help maintain firmness and elasticity. Through massage improves circulation, increases lymph flow, metabolism. Recently, a large selection of special creams and balms to help tighten flabby, droopy breasts, restoring skin Turgot in the chest and neck.
The easiest to implement and one of the most effective types of massage is aqua or Breast massager, more simply, breast massage with water Because water has a soft, gentle effect on skin and improves muscle tone. Depending on the target can use a water jet bath, compresses, and douches. In addition, it allows you to combine business with pleasure. For each of us takes a shower every day. Thus, the breast massage with water. The most important thing - the regularity of the procedure. It is desirable to carry out each morning. In an extreme case, if you do not always have time for it, follow it at least 3-4 times a week. This will help you to tighten chest muscles, improve local blood circulation, increase metabolism in cells and tissues, thereby increasing their regeneration that is, updating the old, dead skin cells.
Now about the massage. Aim the water jet on his chest, after adjusting the pressure. It should not be too strong, so as not to injure the chest, but not too weak, as in this case will not be the desired effect. Water can be any temperature as long as during the procedure, you feel comfortable. Take a jet of water in a circular motion upwards. Breast massage scattered jet is carried out: in a circular motion from the edges of the jet Promote to his shoulders, grabbing chest area. The duration of this procedure is 15-20 min. Then just wait in the shower, pat your skin soft towel and apply a nourishing cream.
One of the most effective means of holding the breast in great shape - dousing with cold water. A good effect is the douche that is, the alternation of cold showers with hot. First you take a hot shower, then cold. Hot water cleans the skin, opens pores, relaxes muscles, while cold stimulates. The cold increases blood circulation and improves muscle tone.Another type of massage that want to offer you - with sea water. The benefit of sea water is very widely known. But in order to adjust its shape, or simply to improve the general condition, it is not necessary to begin to collect my things and go immediately to the sea. Get a sea salt at any drug store and take a bath with her at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of water. Taking a bath, gently massage your breast in a circular motion, without pressure.

