
Use Hand Dryers to Keep Your Hands Dry and Yourself Healthy

Medical researchers warn us from time to time against the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. But doctors continue to prescribe them quite liberally. On the other hand, patients too are frequently guilty of not taking their antibiotics after a couple of days because they feel better. As a result of these two trends, more and more bacteria are becoming resistant to known antibiotics. In an increasingly global society, this triggers the fear of diseases becoming global epidemics. The outbreak of "swine flu" and "bird flu" in the last few years are good examples. As always, prevention is better than cure. If basic personal hygiene is an important element of preventing diseases, then washing one's hands frequently is a key component of personal hygiene. That's where hand dryers help.
With rising fuel prices, there is a shift to using public transport. Of course, there are many who prefer to use mass transit to their car because of their environmental consciousness. Either way, the use of public transport poses a greater risk of disease spreading through contagion. Washing one's hands after one gets off a train or bus is a good way to reduce this risk. Hand sanitizers help too. But it may not always be possible to carry hand sanitizers on one's person (for example, many airlines prohibit passengers from carrying liquids except as part of checked-in luggage). That's why the old-fashioned way of washing and drying one's hands is still the best approach. The general tendency is to dry one's hands with paper towels.Hand Dryers – enjoy the fun in hand drying.But how often have you seen someone grab half a dozen sheets and dump them all into the trash? Can't the same level of dryness be achieved with one or maybe two towels? That's how we trade the environment off for hygiene. But it need not be that way. Hand dryers can easily and quickly dry one's hands.
If you think that hand dryers take ages to dry your hands, think again. There are models available that take less than 15 seconds to dry your hands. Some models use hot air to evaporate moisture from the hands; others push a high-speed jet of air at room temperature. The sheer velocity of the air causes drying. Of course, you can carry the paper towel with you and dispose it of somewhere other than the trash can in the bathroom- while you can't carry the dryer unit away! As far as the efficacy in reducing bacterial count goes, opinion is mixed. There are views expressed that dryers push bacteria and these then can fall on the hands or clothes of other people in the bathroom.

